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Kanwilkar and D.”The CJI made these observations after counsel for the Lodha panel Gopal Sankara- narayanan informed the court that the panel had filed Faucet for kitchen Factory a status report seeking removal of the top brass of the board, including its president, Anurag Thakur, and secretary Ajay Shirke for the continued non-compliance of the directions and pleaded for early listing of the matter. We had been anticipating such disregard from the board. “Fall in line otherwise we will make you fall in line..M. You (BCCI) are behaving like Lords.“Apart from the above clear transgressions, the BCCI has repeatedly taken steps to undermine the committee and this court, with several statements and actions which are grossly out of order and would even constitute contempt,” the report said. Listing some of the statements, the report pointed to the acceptance of the so-called interim report of Justice Katju and the uploading of the same on the official BCCI website.S. The bench directed the board to file its response to the status report by October 6 and posted the matter for hearing on that day. They have to comply with the directions of the court. We have no difficulty in passing orders to make sure our previous orders are implemented. Chandrachud, expressed his displeasure to senior counsel Arvind P.

Lodha committee recommendations on reforms would be viewed seriously and said the board had to fall in line with the recommendations. Datar, appearing for the board over the turn of events and said, “If the BCCI thinks that they are law unto themselves, then they are wrong. “We don’t appreciate such tactics by the BCCI. The bench also took a dig at the board’s counsel for not curing defects in the petition seeking review of the July 17 judgment accepting the panel’s recommendations and directing implementation in six months. BCCI is bringing the system to disrepute by not following the directions. Thakur, heading a three-judge bench, which also included A.M.”When Datar submitted that the board had complied with most of the directions and would gradually comply with the rest, the CJI said: “BCCI, it seems, will go to the extent of defying court orders.  

“Directions of the court had been ignored, actions taken to present a fait accompli to the committee, the directives of the committee had been breached, and member associations not been duly intimated about the directions of the committee and the timelines fixed by it.According to the Lodha report, while the office bearers of the BCCI gave assurances to the Supreme Court-appointed committee on August 9, August 25 and September 20 that they would cooperate with the committee towards fulfilling the directions of this court (subject to any modification or review), “the events over the past weeks have shown that this was not the case.Chief Justice T.Y. The committee sought a direction for removal of the present office-bearers of the BCCI with immediate effect and appoint in their place a panel of administrators of the BCCI to ensure the smooth transition from the old to the new system.The Supreme Court on Wednesday warned the Board of Control for Cricket in India that its defiance in not implementing Justice R

Posté le 24/03/2021 à 02:30 par cetholefle
Catégorie Brass quick opening spool

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Chandrachud, pulled up the BCCI for trying to mislead the court and warned Mr Thakur that he may be sent to jail if the court pronounces its order in perjury proceedings.The court’s reply was sharp. Where was the occasion to raise the issue once we had pronounced on this? This amounts to perjury.The bench said: “Why are you trying to mislead the court? If you want to escape perjury charges, you ought to apologise. Ratnakar Shetty, was also pulled up. Everyone wants to go around and continue to hold the post even after 70 years. Khanwilkar and D. At every stage you have been trying to obstruct.Mr Thakur had in his affidavit Wholesale Faucet for kitchen Manufacturers in the court denied asking International Cricket Council chief Shashank Manohar for a letter to the effect that some of the Justice R..The BCCI’s general manager (game development), Prof. “Prima facie it seems that Anurag Thakur has perjured and lied under oath because of the letter to Manohar. On its own, the court put forward the name of former India cricketer Mohinder Amarnath as one of the three.M..S.

This is such a lucrative business that everyone wants to go on forever.The Lodha recommendations, not yet fully accepted by the BCCI, include one-state one-vote, an age limit of 70 years and a cooling-off period of three years between board posts and appointments.The court reminded the BCCI’s top brass that Mr Thakur, as board president, had sought a letter from ICC CEO Dave Richardson that the appointment of a CAG nominee in the cricket body would compromise its autonomy and amount to government interference. suspension from the ICC,” Mr Thakur had said.New Delhi: The Supreme Court Thursday threatened to initiate contempt and perjury proceedings against BCCI president Anurag Thakur for asking the ICC CEO for a letter but denying it on oath, warning that he may have to go to jail if found guilty.K.M. Thakur, and Justices A.”The final order on Mr Thakur’s misdemeanour, that could send him to jail, could come on January 3 when the court returns after the winter break.Y. It is a case of prosecution,” Chief Justice T.

Thakur said at the hearing. Pillai, whose name had been suggested by the Lodha Committee, and reserved orders on replacing ineligible members of the BCCI administration with a panel of administrators.S.. “You had no occasion to approach Manohar.”According to Mr Thakur, he had asked ICC chairman Shashank Manohar for his opinion on the Lodha recommendations when he was BCCI president.The three-member bench also asked the BCCI to suggest three names for the post of administrator after the board rejected former Union home secretary G. “I pointed out to the chairman of the ICC, Mr Shashank Manohar, that when he was BCCI president he had taken a view that the recommendation of the Justice Lodha Committee appointing a nominee of the CAG on the apex council would amount to governmental interference, and might invoke.The bench, comprising Chief Justice T. Lodha Committee’s recommendations, particularly on having a representative of the CAG’s office on the BCCI’s executive, was tantamount to “government interference in its operations”

Posté le 17/03/2021 à 03:25 par cetholefle
Catégorie Brass quick opening spool

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The force hasn’t conducted any demographic study to show from which states they had serving personnel and other recruits.But for the past two decades, the recruitment has been limited only to the neighbouring states. The age limit for males is 18 to 21 years, while that of females is 18 to 25 years.Statistics suggest that about 75 per cent of the constables recruited in 2009 and 2011 were from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, followed by Rajasthan, while Delhi came a distant fourth.It is learnt that the recruitment drive has been started from Gujarat, where a team of Delhi police, headed by deputy commissioner of police Suvashish Chaudhary, is camping in Ahmedabad to carry out recruitment process. Krishniah, heading recruitment division of the force, to send a team led by the additional commissioners of police or deputy China Wholesale Brass faucet accessories Manufacturers commissioners of police to all the 28 states to carry out recruitment drives.

Quota has been fixed to rope in candidates from all other states to make the Delhi police a model pan Indian force.. The force has received more than 15 lakh application forms for the post of 4,669 constables across the country.At present, most people recruited as constables and sub-inspectors belong to the neighbouring states such as Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.While the Delhi Police has a sanctioned strength of 84,000, its present strength is of 77,000 personnel. Since Delhi hosts people from all over the country, the recruitment drive for constables is being conducted across India.Police commissioner Alok Kumar Verma has asked special commissioner of police R. Top brass has given a serious push to the recruitment drive to make Delhi police a truly cosmopolitan police force. This has changed its cosmopolitan character.The Delhi police, the law enforcing arm of the national capital, has launched a pan India recruitment drive.This is the first occasion when the force will first carry out physical test followed by a written examination.

The force is looking for 3,115 males and 1,554 female constables across the country. Mr Chaudhary is said to have sought the cooperation of the Gujarat police for its recruitment drive. Women make up a mere eight.The Delhi police will carry out medical and physical tests of candidates and then share the list of selected candidates with the commission for conducting a written examination on March 4, 2017. There are about 1,500 to 3,000 vacancies every year. The recruitments drive for the post of 4,669 constables is being done across 28 states. But before 1990, the number of personnel in the force was almost equal from all states. At present about 1,700 additional women personnel are undergoing training.The number of personnel from other states such as Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh was almost nil.S. Delhi police officers are camping in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad city to recruit constables.The Delhi police is a force under the Central government, and accordingly, anybody who is a citizen of India is eligible to join it. According to sources, the Delhi police has approached the Staff Selection Commission to carry out written examination

Posté le 09/03/2021 à 02:58 par cetholefle
Catégorie Brass quick opening spool

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The final victory will be ours," he said. 117 terrorists, which is the highest in recent times, have been killed in the last 8 months as the Centre started its strategic and strong fight against terrorism.His remarks came after Modi tore into Pakistan over the incident, saying India will not forget it but indicated that his government's focus will be on isolating Pakistan diplomatically.The world is shocked at Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's reference to Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani as a "peace-loving youth"and it is an evidence of that country’s involvement in terrorism, he said.The party fully supports the government's diplomatic efforts to expose Pakistan, he said, adding that it has succeeded in showing the country's true face to the world. He later made a separate statement on the raging issue Wholesale Brass faucet accessories Factory with the Prime Minister and entire top brass of the party present on the dais.

This is a long war which has been forced on us by our neighbour."He appealed to the people and other political parties to support the Centre and the Army in this battle."BJP feels the widespread anger in the people against the conspirators behind the Uri terror attack. "However long is the battle, we will fight it and the victory will be ours.In his inaugural address at the party's National Council, Shah said the party feels the widespread anger in the country as he hit out at Pakistan and supported the Modi government's diplomatic efforts to corner the neighbour.Kozhikode: Describing the Uri terror strike a transit destination in the "war" forced on India by Pakistan, BJP President Amit Shah today said the attack was an outcome of frustration after security forces foiled 17 infiltration attempts and that the final victory will belong to India."Pakistan has become a centre of global terrorism," he said. A strong reply to defeat such terror attempts will be given.Shah noted that Modi has assured the people that those behind the incident will be punished. The Uri attack has been carried out due to thisfrustration.

India has long been a victim of Pakistan's sponsorship of terrorism and faced several small and big terror attacks in the last many years.."Terrorists have made 17 attempts to infiltrate across the border in the last eight months but our brave soldiers have foiled them. BJP and the central government have adopted the policy of zero tolerance against terrorism from the beginning. Uri is only its transit destination and not the final outcome.Echoing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's view that those responsible for the terror strike will surely be punished, Shah said the country is committed to giving a strong reply to Pakistan-sponsored terrorism."The country is committed to giving a strong reply to this Pakistan-sponsored terrorism," he said asserting that it is no less than a war crime if terrorism becomes part of a government's policy.Shah said the BJP feels the widespread anger in the country as he hit out at Pakistan

Posté le 25/02/2021 à 02:39 par cetholefle
Catégorie Brass quick opening spool

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.Not only did the Vajpayee government open talks with the Hurriyat leadership but also with the most powerful military commander of Hizbul Mujahideen, Majid Dar. Of this experience he said in his book My Country, My Life, “I found the Hurriyat leaders to be genuine, earnest and to some extent, open-minded in their interactions with me”. The media, citing military sources in the Valley, has suggested that the Army had not even been consulted in arriving at the decision. Malik (Retd), under whose command the Kargil intrusion by Pakistan was beaten back, was forthright in his language when he criticised the idea of restricting the use of the highway for civilians.A former Army chief, Gen.In contrast, today we have the so-called “surgical strike”, which has not deterred terrorism; we have Balakot as retaliation for Pulwama (whose efficacy is a matter of raging debate) as far as Pakistan is concerned, and restraining civilians from accessing a highway that goes past their homes in the case of the people of the Kashmir Valley. This is not a complex theorem from Euclid’s geometry.

From the BJP’s perspective, the people of Kashmir appear to qualify just so perfectly for the “terror” tag because, on account of the Centre’s adamant refusal to bring politics into play (so unlike the Vajpayee and the Manmohan Singh governments), some of their youngsters are running an insurgent campaign.K. Indeed, for him — it seems to this writer — going to war may have been the easier option, considering the ideological school he came from.Recently, when announcing that the highway — which is the lifeline for the people of the Kashmir Valley — will not be open to civilians on two days of the week, it was officially stated that this was necessary from the security point of view since preparations had to be made for the Lok Sabha elections, during which period, it was said, more troops will be needed. Not letting the people of Kashmir use the national highway that links to their China Flexible universal neck for kitchen Suppliers own major city is a part of the same syndrome.In short, those who matter in Delhi, and their bailiffs in the Valley, are playing with fire. Besides, even the Army does not think of it as necessary.Keeping the people of Kashmir off the road which is their lifeline is, for a party like the BJP, a way to inform its core constituency across the country in the election season that it is capable of acting tough with “anti-national” elements, unlike its political opponents, whom it seeks to represent as being hand-in-glove with Pakistan and with terrorists.

The present ruling party at the Centre, its fount of inspiration, the RSS, and the government of the BJP, are all about shouting from the rooftops that they act “strong” when it comes to national security. The people of Kashmir were beaten up so that the BJP and its government may have the chance to give the impression of being tough on terror.Looking back, Vajpayee seemed acutely conscious that he must have the people of the Valley on his side, rather than let them be trapped by extremist ideologies. The other — and perhaps no less significant — reason is that these people are of a religious faith with which the thinking of the saffron group has never been in accord, not to put too fine a point on it.V. Many elections have been held in Kashmir and the need to keep civilians off the highway was never felt.In BJP-controlled Jammu, a curfew had to be imposed to protect the Kashmiri people living in the largest city of their own state.It’s quite unbelievable. As Radha Kumar reminds us, “To further underline the government’s commitment to peace, Vajpayee led an all-party delegation to Pahalgam, with George Fernandes and Congress president Sonia Gandhi”.

Posté le 19/02/2021 à 03:40 par cetholefle
Catégorie Brass quick opening spool

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